day after Mother's Day

I celebrate the 'day after celebrations'.  Mothers Day, Christmas, Valentines are huge impactful guilt felt celebrations.  I care about Moms and the sacred Christmas time.  Valentines is just sooooo creative and so red and heart shaped and jewellery giving and eating in romantic restaurant celebration.  If you are not in love or in a relationship or don't have a friend, or a Mom or family then those celebrations need to celebrate the love to the homeless, to the mental health facilities and poverty in YMCA centres. 

 I just don't get why I have expectations for this day.  Like some amazing prize is going to be delivered to my door and I will open up this prize, because it is in a beautifully wrapped box or a gorgeous basket covered in gold cellophane...I mean my imagination runs wild.

I know I am a Mother and I have had wonderful things done for me and gifts given to me.  Does it have to happen every year on a certain date?

Hallmark did a wonderful job getting in on this day.  It's bigger than Christmas and I celebrate the day after Christmas too!  Those days after  'THE DAY" celebrations are great.  Pressure off, it's over, expectations gone.  I celebrate the survival because I work mentally hard to process the ridiculous
expectations.  I believe in the "work" to get that perception turned into gratitude and simplicity of the

If Mother's Day and Christmas were not celebrated and so globally franchised the day would be sweeter, more subtle, more surprising.  I mean family can think of surprising one with a gift or special work done and a baking treat without the hoopla!  like that word btw because my mom used to say it all the time.  Just go and surprise someone, just because.  Keep the originality of anytime is a good time to share gifts. 

Let's forget the global nation and everything we now know about around the world horrors, and the more we love, the better we are, I AGREE.   Specifying a specific date on a certain type of status or gender and celebrate that symbol of mother, father, dad, mom, grandma....and so on then it gets really complicated and overwhelming.   It's the specified date, the actual day that we are INFORMED and flashed everywhere to do something for whom ever you feel pressure to do something for on that specific date. 

I left the house this morning after 9 am and drove my car to a place where I could be myself again.  Peace and quiet to think and refresh, get a new grasp, and find my soul.   

Until next year at this time...

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