yellow uprising

the lush green grass, which by the way was cut on Friday and has grown back again, and the green freshness of new tomato plants and yellow marigolds and then this darn weed - "the dandilion"....urrrrgh

up close it is quite an attractive plant, but beauty is only skin deep!

I think the lawnmower with the weed bar behind it needs to come out again.  Anyway that's what Summer and I discussed this morning in the nice warm sun.  I have been busy watching my two little "slaves" working around the yard the last couple of days but as Supervisor of the "honey-do" list; one of them will need to be advised of the yellow uprising still under attack.  Yup, it is my job to assess the situation daily and report.  I wonder when my 2nd pot of tea is coming?


Unknown said...

So happy it sounds like you are doing all right and hopefully your boys are treating you good!

Snowflake said...

I love the title of your's so true!!! My kitchen window overlooks the school yard and last week my view was of a sea of yellow!!!! Hope your recovery is speedy and that you will be up and around and able to get back up in the saddle!!!!

new website

This blog will stay as an archive. I am posting over here now: The Flash Speaks See you in the new place!