4 more watercolour attempts

I just finished practicing 4 watercolour prints. I did two of the ocean and sky and beach and decided I needed to work on something I can visually see. I did these four this afternoon from my dining room window. The barn, the big tree, driveway and sky. I now believe I need to work on this for awhile because of how relaxed and totally at peace I feel. Wow, creativity is a kicker for me right now.

I am just blogging these to see my progress. The tree and barn get a bit better in each picture. But watercolour is meant to look at from a distance. So detailing is not important when you are close up painting.

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Catherine said...

It's amazing how our creative juices can start flowing when we let it! So glad you are enjoying your craft ~ good for you!

Sharla said...

Great job on the paintings!

new website

This blog will stay as an archive. I am posting over here now: The Flash Speaks See you in the new place!