for a reason...

The amazing realization about this picture for me is that even though it is not a perfect "steady" shot of this gate, it reflects feelings of courage that some of us need at some point in our lives.  I was going to delete this photo right away because it was not "perfect" and it was too sad and scary to share.  I believe that we all work hard to project that image of perfection, and to hide the cracks, only we learn too quickly that nothing  "is ever as it seems".
Kinda like soldiers of war marching to show our respect and to remind ourselves how brave we are when we know our anger, and unaswered questions will never be to our satisfaction. 
The out of focus times in our lives are meant to be so we can be made aware of what we cannot see and how deeply we need love and a faith in something so we can be taught how to change and see things on a new tilted view.   


melody is slurping life said...

Oh dear, how I needed to read your wise words. Thank you.

I think this image speaks volumes.

Light Words by Linda said...

You inspire me. Thanks, and have a great holiday too.

new website

This blog will stay as an archive. I am posting over here now: The Flash Speaks See you in the new place!